We are delighted to announce the RELMED workshop on 20th November 2024. The workshop will focus on the impact of dopaminergic and serotonergic manipulations on…
About us The UCL Division of Psychiatry, located within the Faculty of Brain Sciences, is a world-renowned centre of excellence in mental health research. Our…
Orestis Zavlis, UCL PhD student, Computational Psychopathology &Psychoanalysis has written a cogent and superbly clear journal club articleon our review paper on computational psychiatry.
Hold the date – there will be a workshop on RL mechanisms of antidepressantaction in late November at UCL, with contributions by international leadersin the…
Lana Tymchyk recently submitted her MSc thesis and is now joining the lab. She will continue the work she started during her MSc thesis, and…
Jakub Onysk is joining our lab as a PhD student on the IMPRS programme. Welcome!
Anna Hall has joined the lab. She is a PhD student on the Wellcome Mental Health PhD programme at UCL and will study the computational…
As part of a Wellcome Trust funded new research project on maladaptive thinking in depression, one postdoctoral position is available. The job posting is here.…
Atiya, Huys, Dolan and Fleming (2021): Explaining distortions in metacognition with an attractor network model of decision uncertainty PLoS Computational Biology (IF: 3.955)17(7): e1009201
Russek, Moran, Liu, Dolan and Huys (2021): Selective outcome reinstatement during evaluation drives heuristics in risky choice psyArxiv What we think of can have profound…