Postdoctoral researchers
We do not currently have funded open positions.
However, we are also always happy to discuss applications for fellowships or grants to join the lab. Please do get in touch. Please do send a CV and a brief description of your proposed research project.
PhD students
We are happy to host PhD students who have been accepted to a PhD programme at UCL or who have secured competitive external funding (no self-funding). If you are interested, please have a look here:
UCL neuroscience / mental health PhD programmes
These are particularly relevant:
- UCL Wellcome PhD in mental health
- Birkbeck-UCL MRC DTP
- UCL-NIMH joint doctoral training programme
Some additional scholarships are available here:
- Graduate Research Scholarships (GRS)
- Overseas Research Scholarships (ORS)
- China Scholarship Council-UCL Joint Research Scholarship (CSC)
- Research Opportunity Scholarships (RoS)
If you have a different funding source in mind, please contact Quentin Huys.
MSc / MRes students
The lab is happy to host MSc and MRes students from UCL programmes. Please contact Quentin Huys and ideally send me a CV and a brief outline of the project you are interested in.
Unfortunately we are not able to supervise non-UCL MSc/MRes projects.
Research Assistants
We do not have openings for research assistants at the moment.
Please contact Quentin Huys if you would like to visit the lab. UCL recognizes different types of visits.
- Research visitor status is available for a short period of 6 weeks – 6 months for collaborative research work. Note this does not provide a formal status at UCL, and is not suitable for students wishing to learn new techniques except within a collaborative research project.
- Visiting research students. This is appropriate for students who would like to joint UCL for an official exchange programme for a period of 3-12 months. Please note this will incur substantial tuition fees. Please see the main page for details of how to apply for this.
- Affiliate Academic scheme. This intended “for established academics from overseas who wish to spend a period at UCL, normally of not less than four weeks and not more than one calendar year, pursuing their own research either individually or in association with members of staff of UCL in related fields of interest.” Note this will incur some fees. Details for applying for this are on the main page.
Unfortunately we cannot currently offer internships.
Interested in computational psychiatry?
If you are interested in computational psychiatry, but not sure what you need to learn / know, have a look at our resources page with some hints. You don’t need to be a pro in all of these, but some experience in at least some of the areas is necessary.