Sign-and Goal-tracking
Individuals differ in what they learn from experiences. Neurobiologically, this relates to whether individuals tend to engage the dopaminergic midbrain (as the signtrackers ST in the figure), or the cortex.
Antidepressant discontinuation
Those who discontinue antidepressants often suffer a relapse of their depression. Those individuals who are more likely to relapse show particular patterns of decision-making and this is predictive of who will suffer a relapse.
Latest prepints
How thoughts determine decisions
What we think of can have profound influences on the choices we ultimately make. However, this process is poorly understood at a neural level. Here, we use MEG decoding to examine which stimulus representations are activated while making a risky choice. We find that individual differences in the tendency to reactivate certain types of information relate to individual risk seeking preferences.
A computational account of anhedonia
Anhedonia is a clinical symptom of depression and many other illnesses, and refers to an inability to enjoy and be motivated by previously enjoyable experiences. Here we provide a new computational account of anhedonia which explains how anhednia relates to beliefs.
Huys and Browning, 2021, psyArxiv: A Computational View on the Nature of Reward and Value in Anhedonia